Devoted to One Another

Devoted to One Another

Devotion to God is reflected in how well we are devoted to one another. Listen to learn how to grow in your devotion to those around you.
Devoted to Obedience

Devoted to Obedience

The world teaches us to do what we want. But if we want to be devoted to God, God expects us to Obey. Listen to what it means to be devoted to obedience.
Chase the Lion

Chase the Lion

When you face challenges (lions) in your life do you run?  Do you ignore them and hope they go away?  Benaiah was a fierce man of God who overcame his challenges by chasing after them.  Listen to hear how you can “Chase the Lion” with...
Half or Whole?

Half or Whole?

It’s easy to trust God when everything is going well in life.  But how do you react when you face challenges?  Are you half-hearted or whole-hearted in your commitment to God?  Listen to learn more.