False Expectations

In the first century, many Jews had false expectations of the Messiah.  It is no different today.  Many of us have false expectations of who Jesus is and what he is supposed to do in your life.  Listen to learn more.

The Key

What is the key to heaven?  Listen as we look into Mark 10 and find out what Jesus says the key to heaven is.

Attitude of Gratitude

On our International Day of Giving for HOPE worldwide, Mike did a short lesson on how gratitude for God is the attitude that helps us to fight the temptations of the world.  Listen for more.

No Boundaries

Too often in this world, we set up boundaries to protect us.  We let some people in and keep others out.  God doesn’t work this way.  He has No Boundaries in his love for you and will do anything to have a relationship with you.  Listen to...

Weapons of War

Every day we are faced with a spiritual battle for our souls.  Learn to fight with the spiritual weapons of war that Jesus used in Mark 9.

The Cost of Freedom

In Mark 8, Jesus invites people of all backgrounds to follow him by clearly outlining 3 things that they must do in order to find true spiritual freedom.  Listen to what Jesus expects of us as Christians.

Clear as day?

Is your faith clear as Day? Listen as Mike brings out how clear as day Jesus was about those who want to follow him!